Did you know that Blount County offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for all employees through SupportLinc Employee Assistance?
SupportLinc is a free and confidential resource that helps you deal with life's challenges and the demands that come with balancing home and work. The program provides professional counseling and expert referrals for a wide array of personal and work-related concerns.
The County’s EAP provides up to five (5) free and confidential counseling sessions per topic to employees and the members of the household who are dealing with difficult issues. See the attached flyers for more information.
Get started in one of the following ways: call 1-888-881-5462, visit supportlinc.com and enter the group code blountcounty, download the SupportLinc eConnect® mobile app for EAP and MAP users, scan the QR code shown on the flyer below or visit the Apple/iTunes or Google Play app store using the group code blountcounty.