Strategic Plan

Blount County Schools will provide effective instruction for all students through a base of classroom non-negotiables and high expectations. Blount County Schools will improve student outcomes in grades K-12 through an intense focus on teaching and learning.

GOAL 1 BCS will increase the percentage of 3rd-5th grade students scoring meets or exceeds expectations in English Language Arts and Math each year, as measured by the TCAP Achievement State Assessment.
Action Step 1 Implement district provided research based curriculum, adhering to pacing guidance that supports high quality Tier I instruction daily
Action Step 2 Utilize high impact strategies and differentiation in instruction for the benefit of all students
Action Step 3 Systematically monitor student growth and teacher impact, analyzing formative, summative, and benchmark data to respond to student needs
Action Step 4 Employment of small groups to meet individual students’ needs based on data analysis, benchmark diagnostic data, and formative/summative assessments
Action Step 5 Employment of small groups to meet individual students’ needs based on data analysis
and Progress
ELA                                                                                              Math
Baseline 22-23: 39.2 %                                                       Baseline 22-23: 42.8% 

SY 23-24:  42% - Goal          % - Actual                                 SY 23-24:  46% - Goal          % - Actual
SY 24-25:  45% - Goal                                                                 SY 24-25:  49% - Goal 
SY 25-26:  48% - Goal                                                                 SY 25-26:  52% - Goal  
SY 26-27:   51% - Goal                                                                  SY 26-27:  55% - Goal
SY 27-28:   54% - Goal                                                                 SY 27-28:  57% - Goal
SY 28-29:   57% - Goal                                                                 SY 28-29:  59% - Goal


GOAL 2 BCS will increase the percentage of 6th-8th grade students scoring meets or exceeds expectations in English Language Arts and Math each year, as measured by the TCAP Achievement State Assessment.
Action Step 1 Implement district provided research based curriculum, adhering to pacing guidance that supports high quality Tier I instruction daily
Action Step 2 Utilize high impact strategies and differentiation in instruction for the benefit of all students
Action Step 3 Systematically monitor student growth and teacher impact, analyzing formative, summative, and benchmark data to respond to student needs
Action Step 4 Employment of small groups to meet individual students’ needs based on data analysis, benchmark diagnostic data, and formative/summative assessments
and Progress
ELA                                                                                              Math
Baseline 22-23: 35.3 %                                                       Baseline 22-23: 36.9% 

SY 23-24:  38% - Goal          % - Actual                                 SY 23-24:  40% - Goal          % - Actual
SY 24-25:  41% - Goal                                                                  SY 24-25:  43% - Goal 
SY 25-26:  44% - Goal                                                                 SY 25-26:  46% - Goal  
SY 26-27:   47% - Goal                                                                  SY 26-27:  49% - Goal
SY 27-28:   50% - Goal                                                                 SY 27-28:   52% - Goal
SY 28-29:   53% - Goal                                                                 SY 28-29:   55% - Goal


GOAL 3 BCS will increase the percentage of 9th-12th students scoring meets or exceeds expectations in English Language Arts and Math each year, as measured by the TCAP Achievement State Assessment.
Action Step 1 Implement district provided research based curriculum, adhering to pacing guidance that supports high quality Tier I instruction daily
Action Step 2 Utilize high impact strategies and differentiation in instruction for the benefit of all students
Action Step 3 Systematically monitor student growth and teacher impact, analyzing formative, summative/benchmark data to respond to student needs
and Progress
ELA                                                                                      Math
Baseline 22-23: 49.9%                                               Baseline 22-23: 26.2% 

SY 23-24:  53% - Goal          % - Actual                                  SY 23-24:  29% - Goal          % - Actual
SY 24-25:  56% - Goal                                                                  SY 24-25:  32% - Goal 
SY 25-26:  59% - Goal                                                                  SY 25-26:  35% - Goal  
SY 26-27:   62% - Goal                                                                  SY 26-27:  38% - Goal
SY 27-28:   65% - Goal                                                                 SY 27-28:   41% - Goal
SY 28-29:   68% - Goal                                                                 SY 28-29:  44% - Goal


In Blount County Schools, an equipped student has the academic foundation, skill development, career awareness, and personal disposition necessary to succeed at the next level. By focusing on improving awareness of secondary programming and post-secondary opportunities, and increasing the percentage of Ready Graduates, BCS will produce students who are optimally equipped to meet academic, personal, and professional challenges.

GOAL 4 BCS will increase the percentage of students prepared for post-secondary opportunities by increasing the ACT average each year, as measured by the ACT Test.
Action Step 1 Incorporate classes into the master schedule that provide opportunity for ACT preparation
Action Step 2  Develop an ACT focused junior English curriculum; continue the emphasis on a variety of literary and informational texts as imbedded in the district curriculum for grades 6-10
Action Step 3  Focus on reading and writing across the curriculum with an emphasis on reading and responding to subject specific texts
and Progress
Baseline 22-23: 19.2 
SY 23-24: 19.5 - Goal          % - Actual
SY 24-25: 19.8 - Goal
SY 25-26: 20.1 - Goal
SY 26-27:  20.4 - Goal
SY 27-28:  20.7 - Goal
SY 28-29:  21.0 - Goal


GOAL 5 BCS will increase the percentage of students achieving Ready Graduate status each school year.
Action Step 1 Host events including Career Awareness and Family Engagement Night at the elementary level, CTE showcases, career fairs, and college fairs at all levels
Action Step 2  Organize times for feeder elementary and middle school students to tour CTE facilities and observe their programs
Action Step 3  Use data sources such as ACT 8/9, Pre-ACT, PSAT, ACT, ASVAB, and National Student Clearinghouse Data to guide students to optimal Ready Graduate pathways that correspond with their aptitude and interests
Action Step 4  Emphasize and evaluate post-secondary opportunities offered through Advanced Placement (AP), Local Dual Credit, Dual Enrollment, Statewide Dual Credit
Action Step 5  Create resources for students and parents related to industry credentials
Action Step 6  Utilize Youscience in both middle and high schools to enhance vertical alignment by developing a six year plan and provide students and parents/guardians with personalized information about career choices, aptitudes, and interests
and Progress
Baseline 22-23: 57.4%
SY 23-24: 60% - Goal          % - Actual
SY 24-25: 63% - Goal
SY 25-26: 66% - Goal
SY 26-27: 69% - Goal
SY 27-28: 72% - Goal
SY 28-29: 75% - Goal

Blount County Schools will provide an excellent culture where individuals are supported and opportunities are offered that reflect a diverse cultural context. In this culture, students and staff will see their value as part of the team through mutual respect, positive relationships, and high expectations. This culture will be further supported by properly maintained, safe, and well-equipped facilities.

GOAL 6 BCS will improve the beginning educator compensation by one ranking each year in all salary metrics by 2029.                                                                      
Action Step 1  Collaborate with Blount County Education Association on an annual basis to study educator salaries and state rankings
Action Step 2  Provide a salary recommendation to the Board of Education annually by March
Action Step 3  Analyze rankings among regional county districts on an annual basis for recruiting purposes
and Progress 
*All salary metrics will measure rank in the top 3 in the geographical area of bordering counties.

SY 23-24:  Rank 7th          Actual Rank:
SY 24-25:  Rank 6th          Actual Rank:
SY 25-26:  Rank 5th          Actual Rank:
SY 26-27:  Rank 4th          Actual Rank:
SY 27-28:  Rank 3rd          Actual Rank:
SY 28-29:  Rank 2th          Actual Rank:


GOAL 7 BCS will increase the percentage of minority educators serving BCS students to 10% by 2029.                                                                                                              
Action Step 1  Continue to develop and expand the Diversity Taskforce to recruit and retain minority educators
Action Step 2  Continue to refine the Grow Your Own program in each BCS high school to develop and recruit future educators
Action Step 3  Collaborate with minority educators and community organizations to inform and improve staff relations, educator recruitment, and diversity training
and Progress 
Baseline 23-24: 2.6%
SY 24-25:  3% - Goal          %-Actual
SY 25-26:  5% - Goal
SY 26-27:   7% - Goal
SY 27-28:   9% - Goal
SY 28-29: 10% - Goal


GOAL 8 BCS will surround our students and employees with properly maintained, safe, and well-equipped facilities.                                                                             
Action Step 1  Create a rotating plan for roof repair/replacement
Action Step 2  Develop and complete a renovation plan and completion timeline for Eagleton College and Career Academy, Heritage, and William Blount High Schools 
Action Step 3  Develop and complete a renovation plan to put the entire district on a unified central HVAC controls system
Action Step 4  Develop and complete a fire alarm and lighting system update throughout the district  
and Progress 
                                                                    % Complete - October                       % Complete - January
Action Step 1: July 30, 2025
Action Step 2: July 30, 2026
Action Step 3: July 30, 2028
Action Step 4: July 30, 2031